Thursday, May 1, 2008


I think it's fair to say that I have become disillusioned with politics in America. Anyone who knows me knows I am a staunch conservative. However, I would like to think that some of the ideas that are held by the majority of the people that I know are neither liberal or conservative. But no matter what side of the political Arena you happen to hold your campaign sign. I think you would have to admit that there are some questions that must be answered about our current candidates for President of the United States. For instance. The first and most important question one must raise is "Is this the best our country has to offer?" I find it almost mind numbing that the three boobs we have running for President are the best and brightest leaders of our time. And if they are, well you might as well just cut your own head off before the terrorists who wake up every morning planning on doing that very thing succeed with their help!!! I was listening to a speech given by Newt Gingerich when he was asked about the threat of terrorism and how to win the War on it. His answer, although candid was about as upbeat as a public execution. We are sleep walking. Because the majority of people where not affected by events like 911, the London Subway bombings, various attacks on embassies throughout the middle east and so on, they have no appreciation for how dedicated the extremists are to killing you, or my sons, or my mother, or my wife. Liberal pacifist idiots, listen carefully, there is no treaty, no diplomatic negotiation, no amount of self loathing, or guilt ridden rhetoric about it being Americas fault that will stop these people from trying to exterminate America and kill you. If you where walking down the streets of Iran or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Iraq with an American Flag on your shoulder without an Armed Hum V, you would be dead because they want to kill you. In this country (the greatest country in the world) not only can you walk down the street burning in ephigy that which I hold sacred with every fiber of my being. There is a whole group of AMERICANS that will applaud you for it. No bullets, no head chopping. My blood boils but I believe in ones right to free speech and expression. This attitude is now and never will be shared by our extremist adversaries. The naked truth is that this world has always been governed by the use of force. Either the use of it or the display of strength so that others didn't. I am disillusioned by the utter lack of interest in a country where it's citizens have no sense of civic responsibility and no respect for their role in this democracy where they are the government. I am troubled that we have opposing political viewpoints with such a vast divide in the spectrum that it appears a split in the country would be the best solution. I can't understand our inability to make committments and choices and then stick with them rather than side track and play the blame game in order to win elections. Tonight at dinner we where talking about the different candidates and Tanner said he was voting for Barack Obama. Although it would never be my choice my son has the right or will have the right to vote and I find it interesting that at eight years old he would even hold an opinion about who he would vote for. I asked him why he chose Sen. Obama. He said he didn't know he just liked him. This is when Grayson (my five year old and my new political advisor) looked at his brother with the most concerned look...he finished chewing his grilled cheese sandwich and with a glob of ketchup on the side of his face said "Tanner, I can't believe you would vote for a Democrap" (not a typo). When I was in younger this stuff didn't matter, When I got into college a became a political hermaphrodite, I would say things like personaly I am against it but politically I don't want to force my set of values on anyone else. But as I grew older and had childeren I began to realize this is not a game. Ask the families of the victims of 911 or the soldiers fighting and dying overseas. This is not the time to relive the glory days of the 60's and 70's. We are in trouble!!! Politically, ethically, moraly. As Newt Gingerich said we are sleep walking. One of my fears is that I raise my sons to be civic minded God fearing flag waving Americans and then 12 to 15 years from now we will be forced once again to deal with the issues we refuse to face now. And I will wach my sons leave to fight the same enemy we didn't have the courage and fortitude to defeat while we had the chance. Proud to whatch them stand up for freedom but unable to bear the thought of the ultimate price they may pay. What do you say we dump the politics and win.


Huckafan said...

You are so very right. Our only hope is can be that McCain comes to his senses and runs a strong VP on his ticket and we all know who I am talking about!!!! I am with Grayson, let's not vote in those Democraps!

P.S. Sierra is so cute, I can't wait to meet her.

Love ya,

Elissa said...

If I wasn't sure I was a chick I would wonder if we are the same person. You are so completely right on, I might just link to this post from my blog because I probably couldn't be so eloquent. I think the old man should choose Grayson for his running mate :) And I think the reason Tanner said he's voting for Obama is because part of the Liberal Conspiracy is to get 'em young. Isabel said, "I would vote for the African American instead of the lady." When I asked her if there was anyone else running, she said not that she knew of. We then got into a deep discussion about the reasons we're Republicans and I either scarred her for life or convinced her :)

Anyway, I'm so glad you started this blog so I can feel like we we're more in touch. It was also fun catching up on what you guys are up to with your half of the Two Headed Monster this weekend.

We're excited to see you in July! We love and miss you guys so much! Please kiss Wendy and the boys and pat that belly and tell Sierra she has some super cute hand-me-downs coming her way!
Love, Lis (and Kyle and Lily)