Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Change is the only thing that is certain

In life we experience so many things and I find it just a little odd that we always want to hang on to the great moments in our life. Don't get me wrong I love the blasts from the past, and we dedicate alot of effort trying to duplicate those fond memories with tradition and custom. But the only thing you can be absolutely certain of in this life is that it will change. People move on, move in, or move over and the efforts exaustively spent to duplicate those great times you once had become an exercise in futility. We can't live our lives over again... we can only live the life we have now. But change is not to be feared, remember when everything in the world was brand new? There is something about new that keeps us looking for the next change even though we miss the past.

In light of this let us look to the future of ourselves and approach the world with the newness of change. I am filled this day with a powerful sense of Peace and a wonderful inner joy as I see my world changing. Congatulations to Nic and Lindsay on their engagement...marriage might be hard, and realistically you hear so many people talk about this aspect, but they don't tell you about the fufillment and peace that comes when you spend your life with the one you love, your soulmate, your best friend. I could not be happier. To Russ and Kelly, accept advice from no one including me. The tools to be excellent, nurturing, loving parents lies within both of you already. This child is in answer to prayer and the fufillment of both of your dreams. Life could have no greater satisfaction than to see loved ones blessed.

And I would be remiss not to acknowledge the greatest of changes for the world and my life. Tomorrow we celebrate the birth of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Father in heaven, I ask that you would be with all of my loved ones as they travel. I thank you for the blessings bestowed upon us and I acknowledge with a loud vouce and humbled heart the greatest blessing of all...your son. Lord I pray for those loved ones I can't spend time with and for those that I will. I ask that you continue to use my life to bring glory and honor to you and you only. Let the spirit move in mighty ways and touch the lives of many this season bringing them to faith in you Lord Jesus Christ. I ask all of these things in in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The tides of life

I used to go to High School with this girl named Christian. She and I became friends when I was a freshman and although we didn't hang together all that much we would talk from time to time and I considered her to be a friend. She had this way about her that was friendly and inviting and she was popular I'm sure as a result. One day during senior year she pulled me aside and said I have something I want to ask you...will you walk with me during graduation. I really hadn't given it much thought, senior year was kind of a blur and I wasn't teriibly excited about graduating, I guess I finally felt comfortable in High School. Story of my life...I always get good at things when they are about to end. At any rate I agreed and we walked that day out onto the field at cabrillo college. I hugged her, wished her well, and we went our seperate ways like so many other people in my life. I thought about Christian from time to time as I traveled through old memories. And I would fall away into that time where everything meant so much and yet unknowingly, we hadn't even scratched the surface of what our lives would be. And with a little sentiment I would wave goodbye to the past knowing that those people had a hand in the person I am today. And in that way I guess you never really lose them. But the world did lose Christian. In 2004 she lost a seven year battle with brain cancer. I had not seen or talked to her but one time in the 14 years since that day at the college and yet the news of her death affected me in a way I can't truly describe. In the hustle and bustle of life, time and distraction allowed me to think less about the friend I once had or maybe I wanted it that way. But I logged on to facebook and looked at a site dedicated to my class and there was a link to the Christian Hamel memorial fund. My emotions welled up inside and I was transported instantly to that last day. Her smile, her laugh. I stupidly had been drinking before the graduation but she helped me with my robe, and in some ways helped me through the ceremony (A moment in life I wish i could redo).
In opening up windows to the past I have discovered that I have truly lived a great life, and although I have had down times and valleys I have had joy and laughter and I shared it with people that matter more than I realized. These are the tides of life and wether it be high or low the people in the outer circle of our lives affect us more deeply than we think. I found myself wishing I could have spoken to her again and remembering how great and important she made me feel the day she asked me to share with her a milestone in both our lives. As sad as her story is I would like her to know that she touched me and I never told her.

...take the time to tell those people that have helped you, touched you, or lifted you up. Don't let the sunset on your oppurtunity to let people know that they are now and always will be important to you. If you do this, I promise you will in part be returning the favor but more importantly you can rest easy that the most important things in life where not left unsaid.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The reason for the season

I find it amazing that there are people that don't recognize the popular push in soceity to eliminate the God of the Bible. Is it that dificult to recognize. I love the lord my God, creator of heaven and earth, Sovereign ruler of the universe and redeemer. The Lord God sacraficed his only begotten son as just payment for my sin because he loved me. His blessings are too abundant to list and his awesome mercy immeasurable. He is the most high, and his kingdom is endless.

But don't mention his name! We don't want to offend anyone.

He created you and I for his purpose and with wisdom and love new us down to the hairs on our head. He stands as a beacon of truth and justice and his majesty trancends space, time, and dimension. He can speak the world into existence and he commands every creature and every event.

But don't stand up for him because we live in the 20th century and he is outdated.

With a swipe of his hand he can blot out the sun, he commands the wind and waves. He can heal the most broken effortlessly and he suffered more than anyone so that you could be with him. His love has no limits, His mercy no walls. In our quest to make ourselves more important he is shunned, persecuted, and scoffed and yet he never leaves and never quiets his call. He has layed out before you the fullest of lives and he knows you deeper than you know yourself.

But let's not offend anyone by recognizing Christs birth.

This is America, the great melting pot, land of many peoples and faiths. I recognize and respect that. But Christians have become the whipping post of the politically correct crowd. Christmas is about Christ. It is a day to recognize the birth of my lord and saviour. It is a holiday because this country was founded by people who believed that. You may not agree with any of the things I said at the beginning of this blog, but if you agree with the PC crowd you have to recognize the hypocracy of your stance. I thought we where to celebrate the differences and cherish the beliefs of others? And yet we have one day of the year that we recognize the birth of Christ, but this is offensive to those that don't believe. Happy Holidays they say as they sneer at those who bow their heads and bend a knee. If this is not your faith, Then enjoy the sentiment that seems to swirell around Christmas...the family time, the food, the friends. But Christmas is about Christ for Christians, it is not a day to be hijacked by those more concerned about offending themselves than offending God. Inclusiveness and equality apply to everyone if that is your mantra. At least Christians are consistant on this or should I say the scriptures are. Right is Right, Wrong is Wrong, Nobody is perfect. Christmas is about Christ, celebrate anyway you like, believe, don't believe, but leave it alone. He is the reason for the Season.