Saturday, December 13, 2008

The reason for the season

I find it amazing that there are people that don't recognize the popular push in soceity to eliminate the God of the Bible. Is it that dificult to recognize. I love the lord my God, creator of heaven and earth, Sovereign ruler of the universe and redeemer. The Lord God sacraficed his only begotten son as just payment for my sin because he loved me. His blessings are too abundant to list and his awesome mercy immeasurable. He is the most high, and his kingdom is endless.

But don't mention his name! We don't want to offend anyone.

He created you and I for his purpose and with wisdom and love new us down to the hairs on our head. He stands as a beacon of truth and justice and his majesty trancends space, time, and dimension. He can speak the world into existence and he commands every creature and every event.

But don't stand up for him because we live in the 20th century and he is outdated.

With a swipe of his hand he can blot out the sun, he commands the wind and waves. He can heal the most broken effortlessly and he suffered more than anyone so that you could be with him. His love has no limits, His mercy no walls. In our quest to make ourselves more important he is shunned, persecuted, and scoffed and yet he never leaves and never quiets his call. He has layed out before you the fullest of lives and he knows you deeper than you know yourself.

But let's not offend anyone by recognizing Christs birth.

This is America, the great melting pot, land of many peoples and faiths. I recognize and respect that. But Christians have become the whipping post of the politically correct crowd. Christmas is about Christ. It is a day to recognize the birth of my lord and saviour. It is a holiday because this country was founded by people who believed that. You may not agree with any of the things I said at the beginning of this blog, but if you agree with the PC crowd you have to recognize the hypocracy of your stance. I thought we where to celebrate the differences and cherish the beliefs of others? And yet we have one day of the year that we recognize the birth of Christ, but this is offensive to those that don't believe. Happy Holidays they say as they sneer at those who bow their heads and bend a knee. If this is not your faith, Then enjoy the sentiment that seems to swirell around Christmas...the family time, the food, the friends. But Christmas is about Christ for Christians, it is not a day to be hijacked by those more concerned about offending themselves than offending God. Inclusiveness and equality apply to everyone if that is your mantra. At least Christians are consistant on this or should I say the scriptures are. Right is Right, Wrong is Wrong, Nobody is perfect. Christmas is about Christ, celebrate anyway you like, believe, don't believe, but leave it alone. He is the reason for the Season.

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