Thursday, November 6, 2008


Those who know me or read this blog know that I was dissappointed in the election results. I don't need to hash out my reasons...but in watching the post election coverage I was frustrated to hear a Mcain supporter say that he was going to treat Obama the same way that Democrats treated Bush over the last eight years, he even summed it up with "two can play that game"

Folks, agree or disagree, Barack Obama is the next President of the United States. And that office and the man deserve the respect and support of ALL Americans. The divisive politics that have split this nation are rooted in an attitude of seek and destroy between political divides. Obama faces extremely hard challenges whatever your political persuasion. Let us not dwell upon a political defeat but on a political oppurtunity. Perhaps new blood is exactly what the doctor ordered. The flip side of the same coin is a call to not support blindly. Let us judge this new presidents performance not with the stained rhetoric of hate we've heard for eight years but an honest evaluation of his performance as Commander and Chief. I freely admit that Barack is charismatic and likeable. Let us join together in prayer and support for our new President with respect and restraint as it relates to him and the office he holds.

I believe in Democracy and we are living history with an Obama Presidency. The election has taken place ,the votes have been cast and counted and here we are. The voice of the people has been heard. This cuts both ways such as in proposition 8. The electorate voted twice on this issue. Twice they agreed that they don't want gay marriage. Disagree? OK in 4 years introduce new legislation and spend your time between now and then convincing people you are right. If you win, but if you lose, litigation is not the answer. Abortion, Gay marriage, prayer in schools are social issues that should be decided by the electorate, not the courts. Debated vigorously in the arena of ideas and then put to the people to decide. Don't like the outcome? Move to a state that agrees with you. It's that simple. I disagree with gay marriage and voted against it...If you are mad about that ask yourself, How many of those in the majority that voted for prop 8 could care less about the issue but voted that way because they have a fundamental conviction that the courts overstepped their bounds in overturning the will of the voters the first time? Weather you like it or not (Mr. Newsome), Presidents, social issues, bond maeasures of all kinds are voted on by the people as it relates to the public forum. The will of the majority gets subverted throught the legal process and we go round and round on issues that quite frankly will never be conceded by either side. Use reason and understanding to persuade the electorate then...RESPECT the vote!

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