Saturday, October 25, 2008

Where I'm coming from...?

One of the most profound things said to me lately is that it's sometimes scary where I am coming from. What was so poignant about the particular comment was that it came from someone that had a great deal of influence upon who I am today. I have to say that the comment took me back a bit. I can only assume that sometimes I may overstate my case. Let me clear the record on a couple of issues.

1. I believe the bible to be true, particularly as it relates to Jesus Christ and the salvation of the cross. This belief, just like any in my life, is not an emotional or heartfelt reaction to years of suggestion. Although I am passionate about it now, I came to true faith only after questioning the very foundations of Christianity...the veracity of scripture, alternative gospels, tampering by the early church, The divinity/humanity question, the paradigm shift in Christianity to esoteric experience, and many, many , many, more. In short, I have done my research. An exhaustive collection of books and essays over the last eight years that has brought me to a very comfortable place intellectually with what I know in my heart to be true that Christ Jesus was both God and Man, Came down from heaven and sacrificed himself as just payment for the sin of the world. He was crucified, he died, and was buried. On the third day he rose from the dead and revealed himself.
When I talk of faith...this is it. I couldn't possibly list all of the sources I have used to come to this conclusion. But if your curious I suggest a series of investigative books by Lee Strobel. Lee was an agnostic and an investigative journalist for the Chicago Tribune. His wife, also an agnostic, converted to Christianity and Lee set out to prove to his wife that her new found faith was misplaced. Problem was that after seeking out the worlds foremost experts, amazingly, the empirical evidence and provable facts pointed to the veracity of Christ. Through faith I have been made aware of the sin in my life. This is the reason for the atoning sacrifice of Jesus and the immeasurable display of love and mercy from an almighty God. If you disagree, I respect you, but in order to convince me that I am mistaken, it will take more than an opinion such as I don't believe that, or that's true for you but not for me. Show me the evidence that discounts it, Give me the reasons other than inconvenience and conviction that would cause you to turn away from the very clear words of scripture told by numerous sources from different backgrounds without collusion. I promise you that I have and will continue to look at every objection to the foundation of my world view. I consider it irresponsible for anyone to assert anything as improbable and unbelievable as the life and death of Christ Jesus without examining every objection and every criticism. I humbly proclaim the gospel of Christ not because I think I am worthy, but because I think he is worthy. I am not a priest, a pastor, or prophet. In fact in the grand scheme of theology and evangelism, I am the last person in the world anyone should listen to. But I ask you not to take my word for it. Do the research, ask the tough questions, and look deep for the answers. As much as anyone can, keep an open mind, seek out both sides of the argument as not to fall to one persuasion or the other. In the end...I am confident in God and that all will come to know him.

2. Barack Obama is a decent and good man. I disagree whole heatedly with his view of government and its' role in the life of the electorate. I am passionate about the election because I love this country. I wouldn't care to speculate about all of the peripheral issues that have guided the thinking of Barack Obama, but rest assured he is not for capitalism as we know it. I disagree with him on abortion, and traditional marriage, on tax policy, energy Independence and direction, health care. I think he would be an excellent negotiator but he has revealed a tendency to give up too much to very dangerous people. I don't hate him, I don't think he is a bad guy, I just don't think he is the best guy for president. Let me end with this...In government, through the wisdom of our forefathers, we have designed into it's structure a braking process that allows for slow methodical legislation to be passed only after careful consideration by opposing views. This means that America needs the Barack Obamas and Nancy Pelosis of Government. In order for our government to serve effectively the right needs the left and vice-versa. It magnifies the checks needed to achieve balanced government. I am proud to have both sides although I identify with the right. And so I appreciate Barack Obama and his views. I would even go so far as to say I admire his courage and applaud the historical value of an Obama presidency. But his platform undermines my vision for America, and so unsurprisingly to anyone that knows me, I have argued for a different vote. That's as far as it goes.

3. I am a husband and father, a son, a nephew,a brother, an uncle, a cousin, a friend and not one of these any more important than the other. I get mad and sad. I get my feelings hurt and I am sure I hurt feelings. I love with passion and fight with equal passion. I am not above admitting when I am wrong and I am usually quick to apologize. But I will loyally defend my family and I will be there when ever they need me. I love to embrace the ones I love and I try to be the second to let go. I am much more interested in others than I am in myself and I am constantly trying to learn from the people around me. I'm opinionated and argumentative, but I am also open minded and can listen. I stand for morality, freedom, and strength, but above those I stand for humanity and compassion. They are not opposites. I want the best for my children and the most for my family. I wish upon NO person harm or trials. I am learning to love openly, care abundantly, and give graciously. I strive to put God first, not very well at times and I understand my calling to spread the gospel of Christ. I work hard because my mentors where hard workers and I want to be viewed as I view them. I believe in commitment and honesty. And that my friends in a nutshell is where I am coming from...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the part where you said "I admit when I'm wrong". It made me laugh a little!