Thursday, October 2, 2008

The best

Today I went to the gym where I ran into this friend of ours. She smiled and made her way across the room and said "I just have to say that your daughter is perfect" An Interesting way of describing her but I could not agree more. Her litle face seems to light up when you talk to her, her hands motioning in different directions, you can almost see the desire for her to communicate. Her little eyes and ears perfectly wrapped around that button nose and those pursed little lips that remind me of Tanner when he was an infant. The way her hair and skin smell when she has had her bath. The soft silkiness of her hair. The strength of her grasp in such delicate little fingers. Her olive skin and dainty arms and legs. Can you tell I'm a just a little head over heels. A know it still freaks me out when people ask me how many kids I have and I tell them that I have three. Almost like I have THREE! Holy Crap. (Im a big fan of the dad on everybody loves Raymond). She's my little goober and I can't help but kiss her all the time. Apparantly she isn't just my goober because everyone who meets her thinks she is just the best...maybe that's just what people say but I don't care. God saw it in his providence to grant us a little angel. And I will spend the rest of my life endevoured to the same committment I gave to my sons. To raise her under his grace, in the tradition of my own parents and that of my in-laws, to this life...everything god has prepared for her. I wonder how she will live, what she will see and experience. I wonder what challenges she will face and what memories she'll carry with her. I couldn't imagine the journey, so helpless, so fragile, that Tanner would make when he was a newborn. But now I see it for what it is and realize that I just don't have that much time. In a flash she will be telling me shes getting married..........Sorry I just passed out for a brief moment. But now I can hold her close to me, the smell of her soft little skin and the baby blanket, her eyes closed in perfect peace under the blanket of love and protection she trusts me with. This is the love only parents can share with their childeren (OK maybe grandparents...I heard the heavy breathing as soon as I wrote the line, dont break a hip) But an all consuming love and devotion. This is the best!!!


Anonymous said...

You always make me cry!!!

Anonymous said...

Canon wants to know how old Sierra has to be before he can take her out. Don't shoot the messenger...

Anonymous said...

don't forget that your girls you can allways hold. Isabel is 10 years old and I dont know how much she weighs but she is a big girl. She sits on my lap several times a week just so I can hold my baby. It does not matter if she is two months or 20 they will allways be your baby girl!
Love Frack

Anonymous said...

Glad you corrected yourself. :) Wouldn't want to break a HIP!!! You are right, she is such a sweet baby girl but will grow up in no time. When I visit with Tanner and Grayson I can't help but remember when they were Sierra's age. Tanner's feet that I loved nibbling are almost bigger then mine and Grayson (our baby until just the other day) is asking questions like a professor. We are so blessed to have these three wonderful gifts. Ok to I'm going to cry so give them all a kiss until I see them in a couple of weeks. Wendy gets a special kiss and hug for the great job she did bringing that baby girl into this world. Ok Matt, I know you had something to do with it, but watching Wendy give birth was absolutely amazing. Ok, for sure I am done. Love Nani