Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Transformation

I have spoken before about a transformation that takes place in ones life when they come to the realization that Christ's salvation is necessary. I am not bashful about sharing my own struggles and tribulations in this tug of war where as the spirit begins to change your heart and your mind, but your worldly self resists and you fall back into old habits. I have often thought people turn away from the message of salvation for all sorts of reasons...personal reasons, ideological reasons, issues of guilt, or most commonly deception. And I struggle sometimes in conversations with people because some of the empirical evidence for Christ is so compelling, it warrants serious consideration. But they have closed themselves off (ironically calling themselves open minded) to the information outside, and the internal knowledge they have suppressed in order to maintain their view of the world. So how does one get through? How do you convince people that don't want to be convinced? And I have the don't! The Apostle Paul is credited for writing 2/3 of the new testament. He is a stark example of Gods sovereignty and control. Paul or Saul before his commission was a man who believed that the disciples of Christ where traitors. He hated them and even sought permission from the high priest to gather all Christians to be imprisoned. He worked tirelessly to convict these Christ followers. Acts 9 says "Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the lord's disciples.(NIV)" But later on in the chapter on the road to Damascus, Jesus himself appears to Saul. In verse 15 the Lord tells Annias who knows exactly who Saul is, that Saul will be his chosen instrument to bring the gospel to the gentiles. What!? Yesterday he wants to kill every christian he can get his hands on but today he is the messenger that will carry the message of Christ to the gentiles. A Jewish saviours salvation for all who will believe. Annias even questioned God on this one. "Hey lord if this guy knows I am a christian he will throw me in prison."(Verse 13) Saul...hired by the priests to weed out Christianity becomes it's greatest apostle. Atheists, heretics, Satan worshipers...putty in the hands of an almighty God that chooses at will. Saul was the farthest thing from a christian that there was and God chose him. Incidentally go back to verse 7 and notice that there where 2 witnesses to the events on the road to Damascus. I guess you would need witnesses in order to convince the people you where trying to kill that you've suddenly switched sides. God thinks of everything. Fellow Christians, we are required to carry the message of Christ's salvation to all that will listen. But it is the work of God in ones heart that brings people to their conclusions about their own destiny. And furthermore as 2 Peter 3:9 points out. God is not saving in the abstract. It is not a group of people he is focusing on or an ideology or a religion. He is not waiting to return when he has enough believers. He is waiting for you and me. From dark to light, from disbelief to belief. Sovereign God of the Universe might just be waiting for you to plant the seed in the heart of the last conversion. Let the transformation begin.

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