I am not sure about how other families do it but in large Italian families, cousins are like brothers and sisters. I love my brother and my sister in a way that is special and unique to them...but have always felt that I had this extended brother/sister relationship with my cousins. This bond between cousins is extremely strong. Allowing myself to think briefly about the stable of cousins that I have makes me proud and gracious that I have been blessed over the years. At different times of my life, I have been able to participate in these intense relationships that foster a feeling of love, loyalty, and safety. And the best part is no matter what the time or distance, I know I can count on them and they can count on me. As I get older, The amount of times I see my cousins gets less and less...that's life. And as I think about it, the biggest problem I have with it is that I don't get to be part of their daily lives and they don't get to be part of mine...maybe that's selfish. For example, my cousins Danny and Tahra have 4 children and the youngest one is named Blake. They are incredible kids and I hear stories from my mom who has visited over the years passed down through the two headed monster (inside joke). But I have only met my little cousin Blake one time. Now Marlow, my Godchild and Blake's older sister, was just a baby when they moved to Texas and I got to spend at least a little time with her, Reese, and Isabel. Now I realize that life gets busy, people move, grow up, get jobs, get married...and although we can tell stories, it's not the same, and Blake really doesn't know who I am. That was not the plan. When I was younger I was part of a dynamic duo known as Frick and Frack...I still don't know which one I am. The other Frick...or...Frack is Blake's father Danny and we were inseparable, all the way up through college and still today. The plan was that our children would be as close as we were when we grew up. We even have kids around the same age and when Reese was born at the same time as Tanner, we both considered it a blessing (and a curse). I talk to Danny every so often and it's always great, we always seem to pick up right where we left off like a couple kids peeing in the basement...guess you had to be there. But Blake doesn't know his cousin/uncle Matty.
And so we live in this real world where things don't always work out the way we thought. Being a kid person, I feel like I'm missing out. I have often thought about what makes up the glue that binds you to some people while others fall by the way side. Why is it that some relationships seem cemented into the foundation of who you are and others drift away? I don't know the answer but I do know that I must have extra sticky glue...and for that I thank God. I have been blessed with so many encouraging God filled relationships bringing me to the realization that I thrive on these tight knit friendships. I need them...I think we all do. This I believe is the reason that I miss Blake, even though he doesn't know me. I pray that God touches the lives of those who have allowed me to be part of them and I thank all of you for that sacred privilege. Frick...(or Frack) you know you are one of these people. Bonded together through time, trials, love, hope, and salvation in Christ. Distance doesn't change that. Give Blake an extra big hug and kiss. And know that I wish I could do it myself...
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HOLY SHIT! I dont know how else to put it! Dude you rock! As awsome as that was to read that and the kevin blod its is like a dull butter knife in the heart! It seems scary but some how I feel as if we have morphed into the our mothers that some how share a brain or as we said "they dont have to talk they just know what the other person is feeling" I may be 2000 miles away but in a strange way I feel like we have never been closer. That is saying something because we lived together! It is very apparent that GOD is working in both our lives and we seem to be in the same journey just many miles apart. You are going to have a beautiful baby girl very soon and just like Blake she will not have spent cold nights with her cousins freezing in Big Sur. The stories that we have together no one will or can take away! I cherish every minute that we have spent together. My mother and I have talked about her bringing Rhys to Ca with her next time so Rhys and Tanner can continue the frick and flack legacy. Know you are always in my heart and prayers!
With much love
Frick ( or am I Fack?)
You have a great gift for touching the souls of all who read your blog. However, I think it is time to diversify and try to extend your audience. I don't want to inflate your head but you have always been a funny guy. Not clown funny, but haha you make me laugh funny. (better know the movie) So post a funny story that happened to you or an observation you made that fills you with laughter. Just a thought!
PS- You are still a Wuss.
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