I have to admit...I want to be rich, driving the fancy cars and never having to look at my finances or struggle through bills. That would certainly help wouldnt you think. Money can't buy happiness but it's a hell of a down payment isn't it. Dedicating your life to what god wants for you doesn't strip away the desire for things that are worldly. I would even submit that those struggles that you have had in your life before accepting Christ Jesus actually intensify after the power of the holy spirit begans to guide you because you are now aware of those areas of your life that used to be sinful and displeasing to God. Along with salvation and peace comes discernment and responsibility. And one of the hardest things to do is to let go, and trust God with your entire life. Literally to let the spirit saturate your existence and allowing yourself to be an instrument of him in every situation. But thats great for the priests and pastors, what about me? What does that mean for me? Can I still have my Ferrari God? (What a good name for a book). It begs the question...can I be just a little bit in control or do I have to submit entirely to the will of God? What if God wants me poor? (oh the horror) I am always inspired by people like John Michael Portier who travels the country with his family in an RV worshiping God in every venue living off the donations from those he worships with. Thats a warrior for Christ. What If God appeared to me and said "Matt I want you to sell all your stuff and donate it to the poor and start traveling the country and using the gifts I gave you to bring the gospel to people who need it...my sheep need to be fed" Did anyone ever hear Bill Cosby do that bit about building the Ark?
"Noah, this is God, I want you to build me an Ark"
Noah: Right...Whats an Ark?
"It will be 40 cubits by 40 cubits"
Noah: Right...Whats a cubit?
The point is how many of us after release from the insane asylum would do what Noah did. How many of us can answer the call that God has for us. The ultimate designer has charted the perfect course. Life could be no more fufilling than to succeed in the only life plan worth striving to accomplish...God's. The problem is that God doesn't think much of my wordly desires, my materialistic way of thinking. I may want a Ferrari and it is not outside of God's merciful bounty that one day I might be screaming Ciao as I drive by at Mach 6. But is it in God's will? There are those that say God wants me to have that Ferrari. That we are sons and daugters of a gracious and giving God that will bless those that love him. Essentially for faithful servants of Christ we can have the best of both heaven and earth because we have God on our side. I don't discount this way of thinking. But we should be careful about how this is applied to our lives.
"If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, he is concieted and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain." 1 Timothy 6: 3-5 (NIV)
Paint it any way you like, being rich isn't on Gods radar, at least not in the worldly sense. (Matthew 6: 19-20) Jesus talks about worldly posessions and their importance in relation to storing up heavenly treasures. This verse is often used by pastors as a proof text for donations (tithing, etc...) and I believe it makes a valid argument for earthly investment in godly endevours. This is important in the life of a trusting believer. But the reward of salvation can't be bought and if it could, we couldn't afford it anyway. How much is Christ's ( son of God) life worth? We invest in Gods work because we trust that are NEEDS will be met by a loving God. No matter how much I invest...I could never payoff the debt owed. And so I may not feel the plush leather of an F-40 sink underneath me as I stab the accelerator. And I would still be in the red when it comes to Gods ledger.
Christians, money isn't the problem and those with it aren't evil. I have to ask myself as I open the pages of motor trend magazine if the Ferrari gets in the way of God. Do I worship things more than I worship him. Do I spend more time on financial planning or spiritual growth. The undivided attention of the beliver to godly diligence allows us to make decisions that are in line with what God wants for us. I find it frustrating to speak to people that are disenchanted with God because they made poor decisions outside of Gods counsel, let alone conventional wisdom. I find it even more frustrating when people twist irresponsible actions and decisions into some righteous display of trust in which Gods will is ambiguously morphed into the wants and desires of the sinner rather than the other way around. Sadly this way of thinking has infiltrated Christianity causing a paradigm shift in the believer's understanding of the greatness, and awesomeness, of an almighty, sovereign God. God has become a yes man to the wants and desires of those that believe in his son rather than the sinner being a yes man to God for the awesome display of imeasurable suffering to pay off an entirely lopsided debt. In short, although God can and will bless us throughout our lives because he is good and merciful, He owes us nothing. And there is no faith formula or prayer that can move the hand of almighty God less he chooses so.
My counsel will stand and I will do MY pleasure (Isaiah 46:10)
Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did he in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places. (Psalm 135:6)
It's not about what I want...it's about submitting my life to what he wants and living the full life he has layed out for me from before I was created.
Can you phathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the almighty? They are higher than the heavens...What can you do? They are deeper than the depths of the grave...What can you know? (Job 11: 7-8)
What this means to me is that my desire must first be to align myself with god's plan and persue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness (1 Timothy 6:13) If in Gods sovereignty through my labors and sound financial wisdom based on godly principles I get to a point that I can afford my Ferrari than hop in and lets enjoy the ride together. Until then I will hold to the understanding that it is God's will that I seek him, everything else is secondary.
Putting this into daily practice is far more challenging. We live in a soceity where status is based on what we have not what we give. And so the battle to keep just a little piece of the uppity need for nice clothes and nice cars is really a sin of omission. We havn't given ourselves entirely to God. And perhaps it gives me pause to know that throwing myself into the arms of God might not work out the way I want it to and my Ferrari is merely a dream. Wordly thinking and sad if you look at it from Christ's perspective. I gave up my life and you don't know if you can give up your desire for a nice car? Makes me wonder why God bothers with us pea brains at all I mean how selfish can ones thinking be. This is why I feel the name it and claim it philosophy of so many churches is the ultimate form of arrogance or perhaps ignorance. Do you honestly believe that in addition to submitting his life for you, Christ is now obligated to serve your needs because you have announced yourselves as annointed. What Bible are you reading!? Gives credence to the words of Christ when in the last days there will be many who will say "but Lord, we performed miracles and drove out demons in your name" and Jesus responds" Away from me you evildoers, I never knew you."
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