I'm back
Sorry for the long break...The other day while Wendy was breast feeding Sierra, Grayson asked if he could feed her with his breasts. Wendy calmly responded with no it is only something that Mommies can do. Grayson paused looked at his chest and candidly asked. Then why do I have nipples?
I should wright a book entitled "Why do I have nipples"...the inner thoughts of Grayson. It's interesting to watch Grayson grow up especially during this time. Sierra has really moved in and took over baby status and in the short time that we have been home, alot of our attention has been on the baby. I ran into one of our friends at the grocery store the other day and I told her that as much practice as we have had with newborns and babies, it really feels like we are starting all over again. It takes a while before you stop calculating every move every single time you hold the baby. Ok support the head, careful, not to fast, be gentle shes little, watch the soft spot, wash your hands, and waking up everytme the baby peeps. That lasts for about a week. By the end of next week we'll be tossing her across the room like a football. I know I am biased but is she not the most adorable baby. It's a good thing I married out of my league.
I got to see cousin Kev for a short time last Thursday, what a blessing.
a big giant Thank you goes out to mom who stayed and "helped" the first week. Helped meaning cooked, cleaned, took the kids to school, organized the calendar, painted the livingroom, watched the baby, helped with homework, and a dozen other things. I'm sure we would not have had such a smooth transition with out her help.
Ti Ti and Unnle have come to see there niece. I always enjoy when my brother and sister come visit.
Ok this one is quick I have a lot to say but I'll have to come back later
Sorry for the long break...The other day while Wendy was breast feeding Sierra, Grayson asked if he could feed her with his breasts. Wendy calmly responded with no it is only something that Mommies can do. Grayson paused looked at his chest and candidly asked. Then why do I have nipples?
I should wright a book entitled "Why do I have nipples"...the inner thoughts of Grayson. It's interesting to watch Grayson grow up especially during this time. Sierra has really moved in and took over baby status and in the short time that we have been home, alot of our attention has been on the baby. I ran into one of our friends at the grocery store the other day and I told her that as much practice as we have had with newborns and babies, it really feels like we are starting all over again. It takes a while before you stop calculating every move every single time you hold the baby. Ok support the head, careful, not to fast, be gentle shes little, watch the soft spot, wash your hands, and waking up everytme the baby peeps. That lasts for about a week. By the end of next week we'll be tossing her across the room like a football. I know I am biased but is she not the most adorable baby. It's a good thing I married out of my league.
I got to see cousin Kev for a short time last Thursday, what a blessing.
a big giant Thank you goes out to mom who stayed and "helped" the first week. Helped meaning cooked, cleaned, took the kids to school, organized the calendar, painted the livingroom, watched the baby, helped with homework, and a dozen other things. I'm sure we would not have had such a smooth transition with out her help.
Ti Ti and Unnle have come to see there niece. I always enjoy when my brother and sister come visit.
Ok this one is quick I have a lot to say but I'll have to come back later
She's beautiful! Congratulations to you all. We have a little gift for Sierra and the boys. I'll try to get it to you soon. :)
Its about time!! You're right about one thing, she's beautiful! Good job you guys!! Now come back to work! You've been gone long enough!
You really out punted your coverage as they say. She is beautiful. You will have a special relationship with daddy little girl. Miss you guys tons! I will call soon to cath up.
Yay, you're back! Sierra is so adorable! (not that there was any question that she would be!).
Grayson is hilarious. His Canady counterpart, your goddaughter, asked me the other day if Lily was old enough to start eating out of my boobs :)
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