Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Is it just me, or is the world speeding up. I thought about this today because Wendy and I got to spend the day with eachother. Now I know that this seems trivial but with two kids and one on the way it doesn't happen all that often and whoopee! We like eachother. The Bible adresses anxeity and worry pretty clearly but gives very few pointers on how to run away from the tidle wave save one...Trust. (Electric word trust it means forever and thats a mighty long time but I mean to tell ...Sorry I was channeling Prince) Trust is hard...or is it? Reflect for a moment on your life and ask yourself the same question I ask when I find it difficult. Have I (meaning God) ever given you a reason not to trust me. When times where bad, I prospered you. You always had more than enough. When times where sad, I comforted you, Even while you wept I brought joy and renewal. When you turned away and sinned, I called you back with open arms overjoyed that you had returned like the prodigal son. And if this where not enough, I took death away so that you don't have to fear it. I conquered it so that you can live.

I must have heard Psalm 23 a million times. But it has taken on knew meaning for me as it pertains to Trust.
If you read this blog perhaps you'll take some time to look at this passage. Or some of you may know it by heart. (KUDOS)
The other day Tanner was in the back seat flexing his memory muscle by reciting the lords prayer over and over again. I asked him to stop for a moment and tell me what each of the lines meant. He paused rolled his eyes and said Daaaad which is Tannereese for quit trying to teach me something every moment of every day. But he warmed to to the idea and it's absolutely incredible how much of Gods word we would understand if we where to receive it through the eyes of a child. Brings tears to my eyes. Now I know that not all of you have a spiritually enlightened eight year old to work out the tuff stuff. I guess I'm lucky. But the lesson is that its all there in plain text. No ambiguity or contradiction. God has given us the blueprint but even more...He's helping us read the plans by never leaving.

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