Happy days...I finally after 6 weeks got my sling off so that I can type without hurting myself. Let me just say that there where times in the past that I wanted so badly to blog about important issues and events in life...in politics...in faith and even though some would have sounded like wild rants an others like a great epiphany, I was forced to leave the dust on the keyboard and nurse my shoulder. Patience! The silver lining in this injury is that I have learned to be patient. And so out of every challenge, oppurtunity for growth.
Let me start by saying I had the most incredible experience as a NASCAR fan last weekend when thanks to cousin kev I got passes that basically gave me access to everything anytime. What a weekend! Being part of the festivities and action better than any sporting event ever (except the San Jose Sharks playoff game with my brother). Really enjoyed myself and am looking forward to doing it again with Kev this time.
Danny was in town for the AT&T and on Monday I was able to visit with him. I really value him in my life. The next morning I was able to see Uncle Michael and Auntie Russie for Breakfast. I don't know why but I just enjoy being around them. I always feel loved. And then Dad came and helped me out in Lemoore for a couple days. It's pretty satisfying to see my Dad smile as he interacts with my kids. He really fufilled a need for us those days as Wendy had to work. I really appreciate it, he saved our butts.
Read ahead at your own risk!!!
Let me give you fair warning oh politico haters. I didn't like him before and so is it any wonder that I don't like him now, especially since he is running wild unchecked. Its amazing that people position themselves so deeply intrenched in political position that they can't even use common sense. Everything I predicted has become reality in only his first 53 days.
But lets recap
1. The only person (and not really) that walked into this nightmare or as they like to say inherited it was Barack Obama. Perhaps the Messiah could have stopped the downfall of America if he had spent more time doing the job the people of Illinois hired him for rather than campaigning for the job he now currently holds. Of course I pointed out that before the election he was not an especially affective Senator (no legislation bearing his name) looks like the best thing he does is OBamboozle people int voting for him.
2. For all the rhetoric about class warefare and how democrats are for the middle class. I can't believe there are intelligent people that look at this administration, this congress, this GOVERNMENT and believe the absolute nonsense and bullshit that they are spewing. Ok middle class people pop quiz: You have a mountain of debt, a dwindling income, a dismal portfolio getting even darker, no retirement, and all your assetts are declining while your dollar is worth less. do you
A. begin cutting your spending, look to increase efficiency, downsize your expenses and tackle the debt. make lifestyle changes in order to stay in the black, sell off assets, and plan for the future...OOOOOR
B. Spend as if there is no tomorrow, buy everything you ever thought you wanted, Remodel the house, buy new cars, send your kids to work in a sweatshop and hope it all works out!
Well B of course (dummies).
I predicted programs that bring this country towards socialism and now we have it
Look, before the election I was concerned, I thought that people would at the very least change the channel off CNBC for just a moment in order to get the real skinny on either of the canidates. But that never happened, people where convinced that Bush was horrid and Mcain was another Bush. I in fact agree with this argument. Bush's last term was a failure...only...We probably disagree why. Mcain did not stand up for conservative America and in the end he lost the election because:
A: Style Baby! Obama is just too cool for school, the way he talks, the way his wife dresses, his command presence. I often think of the movie A few Good Men where Jack plays the hard Colonel Jessup. Man was he good "YOU can't handle the TRUTH" Boy was he believable, kind of like Barack on the tele prompter. But when the lights fade and Chris Matthew's leg stops tingling and all the slobber is mopped off the floor we are stuck not with the style of his speech but the substance of his policies. For those uninterested in the end result...Style matters.
B: Because he promised the world on a silver platter. Did not matter how, Barack promised everyone... everything. If you where poor help is on the way, middleclass your day is a coming, business owner where gonna help, minority where gonna fight, and the heavens are going to open...People with wealth are going to become philanthropists because no one under the evil years fit that bill , sea levels are going to fall, and fairness, transparency, and love will be wrapped up in the scroll and delivered with the sky opening and rainbows, and lollipops for all. OK I exaggerated a bit, sorry. I told my Aunt that I truly believe the President thinks all that he is doing is going to help create the America he wants and that he feels that because he was elected this is the America that we want. Not such a far stretch can't fault him for that.
But this isn't the America that I want and in speaking with people across the political aisle, I have discovered that they too are becoming uncertain of these incredible financial committments and the dismantling of capatalism and the attack on business. Perhaps they now realize the power of the vote. Perhaps they like me are beginning to understand that what they (our current government/most of them) want is not freedom, and choice...but regulation and legislation that says shame on you for aspiring to make more than 250,000 dollars a year and although you value your money we don't because we've got social programs we need to pay for. We must uphold and help those that make bad choices or have no motivation, the unlucky innocence of those who risked and lost. A very smart professor once said" when we eliminate the ability to fail, we destroy the incentive to succeed." I havn't talked to anyone however that realizes perhaps they made the wrong choice. ONly 53 days in and I am wondering what more of America does he destroy before they do. Maybe in 2010 when the tax hikes really kick in. IM taking Bets.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
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