Monday, June 30, 2008

Almost 28 days since my last post and I have worked for a lot of those days due to the tremendous start to the California fire season. Some amazing things have happened over the last several weeks and it's been both exciting and taxing. I went camping with Tanner and Grayson...just the boys. We played at the lake, ate pizza, and laughed but I think I got a little glimpse of life in a few years. There was a little girl visiting from Georgia in the next camp over. She was a cute little blonde and as soon as Tanner saw her he was gone. There where about 10 kids in the campground that ranged in age and I spent the latter half of my evening alone with a beer and my guitar. Tanner and Grayson where out riding their bikes and although I enjoyed the peace, I got a little misty eyed knowing my boys where growing up...especially Tanner. I hope it's the first of many such excursions, that is, if I ever go home from work again. When Wendy got pregnant her only regret was that she would be in the latter stages of pregnancy during the hot valley months. Although it seemed like a long time away, Sierra is almost here (Sept 20). God has been especially busy at the potters wheel this month and I have felt poked and prodded by the spirit on a daily basis. Been praying for some people lately but after this last weekend I would like to ask for prayers regarding someone I love very much. To identify this person would be a breach of confidence and trust. But trust me they need prayer. Perhaps you could pray that God be attentive to my prayers regarding this issue. I think God will figure it out. On a different note, I had the oppurtunity to work with several people over the last few weeks and had numerous conversations about politics. Keeps me sharp.

Love Matty

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Summer Begins

Well it's starting to heat up in the valley and the kids are loving it. We went swimming over grandmas twice yesterday and Grayson is already starting to get dark. I'm being especially careful this year because Tanner already got fried at Bass Lake a few weeks ago so it's sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. Wendy is doing well and Sierra is cooking nicely, She starts getting active right around when Wendy is falling asleep. It is only a matter of a few months and we are all excited. Tanner and Grayson are now out of school and all the neighborhood kids got in a water fight yesterday...looked like a lot of fun. Tanner is getting thick and stalky, his feet are huge and I can tell that he's going to sprout up pretty soon. Won't be long till he passes me up. Grayson has been growing as well and I don't think hell be as short as his old man. Pastor Jeff had an interesting Sermon on Sunday. It has become one of my favorite things in life to watch Wendy scribble notes on the sermon outline as we sit together in church. To see her embrace Christ in this way has been inspiring. She now encourages me through the tough times reminding me to stay focused on God. It's fufilling to know your wife and best freind is a source of accountability and encouragement. It has only strengthened our love for eachother. God is most definitely good! I had the oppurtunity to work some overtime this last week and ended up working six straight days. The time away from the family was difficult and that yearning to be with them opened up the flood gates. There are some people I miss terribly, true freinds, family, people I love with all my heart. I don't speak with them enough, I havn't seen them in years. I wish that we could share the everyday joys and sorrows of life. Till then, if ever, I will pray that lifes path leads them to what they are seeking. I pray faith steers them into the arms of the saviour, and though we rarely talk, I hope they know that I love them, I am here for them, at any time, for any reason. If you think this message is for is!
For the rest of those I care about that I do get to see and spend time with I want you to know it has never been enough. I cherish every minute with you. I pray for you constantly and look forward to seeing you again.

Ephesians 2:4-9

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I read it in a book...once

Have you ever met the back row Christian? Have you ever been the back row Christian? I have...It has been my experience that until you committ 100% of your life to knowing and understanding what God has for you in this life, you will remain a Christian that hides in the back row. Christ doesn't want you to be hidden, or ashamed. He doesn't want a piece on Sunday or on Holidays. Maybe, a shout out when money is tight, or you had a little too much to drink. He wants all of it. The bible says that the suffering that Christ endured was sufficient to cover all of our sin. All of it. Imagine what it would be like to sacrafice your very life. Your freind deserves the roman whip, you know the one with barbed balls at the end of leather tassles that literally tear away the flesh with every lash. Sign me up huh, I'm a good freind let me stand in. I'll take that for you. I dont mind all the people spitting on me, or the crown with 3 inch thorns impaled in my scalp, the very weight of it pulling against every wound if I adjust my exhausted head. I've done absolutely nothing wrong, except for perhaps tell the truth, but it would be a shame for you to have to pay for what you did, so I'll take it. I'm a good freind...I'm a god freind. I guess you must of done some more stuff because I'm going to shoulder this massive splintered piece of lumber on my skinless back until they strip me of all my clothes and drive railroad sized spikes into my wrists and ankles, snapping bone and tearing tendons. I'll never give up and I will continue to suffer even praying for the guys holding the hammers. And after all of this, when I have breathed my last breath, I will rise from death overjoyed that you dd not have to endure any of it Because that is the kind of freind I am.
How would it feel to do all of this for someone and have them sit in the back row. Spat on and ridiculed, tortured, degraded, humiliated...and the one you did it all for is a little unsure about weather or not he can talk about it. It's just too graphic, I don't have the time, I have faith but I just don't know about all this stuff, It's too much to handle, I just want to do what I want to do, I'm tired and I don't want to deal with this right now, it's embarassing, I dont want people to think I'm some religous nut job, (and my all time favorite) God wouldn't...
I sometimes wonder what would happen if God appeared to you, would you except it? I have heard people say if God really exists, why all this faith and believing stuff? Just appear and show me your God. You know change some water into wine or multiply some fishes...wait not good enough, how about speaking to the wind and sea and watching them obey, or walk on water (that would be a good one) maybe you could heal some people, raise some people from the dead. wait-wait-wait, I got it, maybe you could raise yourself from the dead. Man if you would just do that I am sure that there is no one who would doubt your love for us. So what do you say God, a little miracle here because I am just having a hard time believing. Until I get some definitive proof, I'm going to sit this one out. Sounds like something I read in a book...once

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A quick one...

I thought I would share a punch in the gut I got from a good freind of mine. We where talking about living our lives for Christ and how painful it is when you get an oppurtunity to preach the gospel (as instructed...) But an internal battle wages and you shy away from the moment. In those moments I feel defeated. I didn't have enough courage or I was afraid of what people might think. I didn't push the importance of certain issues because I felt people would be put off. I feared if I agressively stood for Christ, They would turn away and I would lose a close relationship or at the very least damage it. For those of you who know me (or think you do)I struggle with this constantly. Having a deep conviction about the destiny of those that I love and yet acting incredibly weak and cowardly. I often shamefully approach my savior in prayer, knowing full well that I let numerous oppurtunities slip by as I stand blessed over and over again. This has been for years my thorn, Unable to tell those that I would die for about the one that died for me. Talking to strangers is easy, So why is it so difficult to share with people that I love and trust? My freind shared many of the same struggles and in the end we both agreed that in part, it had to do with the fact that we felt unworthy. Drowning people telling others how to swim...It's an amazing gut check when you consider what Christ endured unjustly because he loved you. Not humanity, or your kind, or your religon, but you. We parted company, both of us reflective of the conversation and for myself thankful that God has provided freinds that are willing to be honest about their struggles. Not too long after I got a text from him... Mark 8:38 Gut Check time
If you have some time, read the passage. I would love to hear if it affected you as it did me.
In my prayers always,